Monday, March 8, 2010

Day 55

Today I was working all day on a custom order of 80 tea bags, but this wasn't just any custom order, this was an advertising opportunity! Sampler Village was the one to place the order and use my tea soaps as thank yous, they also agreed to send along a little coupon that I made up to each recipient. The coupon is good for 10% off any item, and there is a coupon code on it so I can see how many come from the Sampler Village's fans and friends. Just another exciting experiment with in the experiment! I'll keep you posted on how this goes. The coupon expires July 31st so we'll have all the info then. In the meantime you should definitely check out the Samplers Village's blog at, they were nice enough to mention my soap and my shop in it today :)

Well I was planning on going to register for two more classes tomorrow, but that looks like it might be postponed for another day. My oldest daughter has a little fever tonight, and I'll probably keep her home with me tomorrow. I do need to register for these classes this week though. I only have 13 weeks till my baby is due, and the classes are 8 weeks long. I guess tomorrow will be a good day to get my house straightened up and take care of my babies.

I do have a idea for a tutorial I want to get working on tomorrow too! I finally got all the supplies I need, and I'm super excited! I fill you in on more details after I get it started.
