Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Day 8

Today I'm out of town to Yuma visiting my sister with my mom, and I managed to sneak away to do a little blogging and check on my shop. It look like our most popular item is the Mini heart soaps with a total of 17 views. I have a couples soaps back at home to put on Etsy. I don't know how much they weigh or I could add them while I'm here, so for now I'll give you readers a sneak preview of whats to come.

Facebook is such an amazing site along with Myspace, it has put me in touch with family and friends that I never thought I would be able to connect with or reconnect with. I have a second cousin all the way in Washington who saw that I was starting this project, and she has been helping spread the word. I've never met her face to face, so it is so nice to get this chance to learn a little more about her and the rest of my family, and it's all thanks to the internet.

Tomorrow I should have more of an update when I get home, so until then lets hope for a sale!!!
