Friday, January 15, 2010

Finished my whole to do list and then some!!!

Well I finished everything but proof reading my essay, I will try and squeeze that in between football games tomorrow. I did however get some soap made, and pictures taken, and even posted 3 items on my Etsy shop. Go to to see how great everything is turning out.

During my tasks today, I realized this is more challenging than I thought, simply because I am not very skilled yet at soap making. I messed up 4 large soap bars about 3 oz. each, they definitely can not be sold along with the good bars so I'm thinking of making a clearance section for my mishaps. Now some some soap mishaps can be fixed by remelting and such, but that is harder when multiple colors are used.

I'm very excited about posting my items on Etsy, because now when they sell I can reinvest in new product. I read a internet selling tip once that said, "The photo is what sells the product". Unfortunately the best camera I have is my cell phone, it actually works pretty good, but maybe when business starts moving I can get a real camera. I actually do have a Kodak digital, but it's focus on close items isn't very clear, and those little details are what matter the most in my opinion.

I did find 3 new molds and a variety of cookie cutters at goodwill today for $8.46, which means I have $54.08 left to get this business going. Once again, wish me luck :)!
