Thursday, January 14, 2010

It's a boy!!!

I'm sooo excited, I found out today that we are having a little boy in June. It's perfect because we already have two girls and one boy. Well I have been trying to brainstorm different soap ideas, and thinking about baby boys, and I came up with party favors! Maybe like little blue soaps shaped like booties or bottles wrapped in plastic tied with a ribbon, perfect for a baby shower. For a bridal shower, maybe little roses, or rings, and so on. I can sell these favors in sets of 10 or 20, or however many is needed. The only problem is I don't have enough inventory for anything to be sold in bulk yet. Really while I'm just starting to build the foundation single items are probably best, and I can't really customize too much.

Yesterday I made some mini heart shaped soaps, that are sweet pea scented. I made about 20 or so and only 14 turned out. I don't want to waste any soap, so I'm going to try and remelt and mold my already colored soap if possible. As soon as a get a couple different soaps made, I'll start listing them on my shop, I can't wait.


P.S. I ended up needing to buy rubbing alcohol and a spray bottle yesterday for soap making so I'm now down to $62.54.