Wednesday, February 10, 2010

The big three O

Yeah, it's day 30, and we have hit 300 views! I finally finished my math test yesterday and got a 90% (awesome), and we had a great time celebrating birthdays last night, however no soap making was done. I did get some good ideas going though. My mom came up with a great idea, and that is animal print soap. I'm going to have to play around and see what I can come up with.

Today no soap making will occur either because I'm going up to Prescott to help my mom in law move. Well actually since I'm prego, so I'll be watching her move, but still I will be out of my kitchen. I won't be back till tomorrow, so tomorrow's post might be a little late. I'm excited to get out of the city for a couple days though, maybe I'll get some more inspirational ideas.
