Saturday, February 13, 2010

Sorry about yesterdays post

Today is day 33 and I'm totally bummed out that I didn't get a chance to write yesterday because yesterday was our one monthaversary for Soaps and Such by Holly! I did try to blog a little from my phone but if you checked in you saw I was having technical difficulties. The reason I was away yesterday is I went to Prescott and finally got my mini van, YEAH!!! My back is so excited because it will no long be hurting getting the kids in and out of the car, instead we can just walk in woo hoo. So yesterday was such a long day by the time I got home I laid down on the couch and conked out.

Well for our one monthaversary I got us a present, and it's super exciting!!! It's our very own domain name. That's right, all you have to do to from now on is type in and you can find my soaps and my blog all in one spot. Now if you feel more comfortable coming directly to my blog or my shops that is definitely still an option.

The other day I was getting super stressed because really our budget is gone, zip, nadda, broke. Then I was thinking, I've just gotta get on the posting. I only have some soaps posted on artfire and maybe I can try out What I need to do is write up a schedule, where Monday is artfire, tuesday is Etsy, and so on. That way I make sure I hit all my bases and I'm not stuck on the internet for hours and hours. Speaking of which, I have been on here already for a long time today so I better get, and if I get a schedule written up I'll try to post it right away.
