Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Day 29

How exciting! I opened up my blog today and saw that I got my very first follower, thank you Sampler Village! Speaking of which Sampler Village has a neat website, where you can get samples, learn about new products, and spread the word about your own products.

Speaking of sending out samples, I guess it's a pretty popular thing because I've gotten two request today and one yesterday. It's very flattering that so many people like my stuff, I wish I had enough to send out. It seems like a fun way to advertise, but the shipping cost is just too much for me right now.

Yesterday I decided to make some pastel ducks and they turned out really cute! Here's a picture below.

Not even 5 minutes after I listed them on my shop they received 10 views, so I think they are going to be popular. Actually I got a lot of views on my shop yesterday altogether, it was my record high with 40 views.

I didn't work on my math at all yesterday, which is no good, so that is what is on the agenda today. Also my mother is coming to visit. Tonight we are celebrating her birthday and my oldest daughter's birthday so that should be fun.

Bye bye,