Thursday, February 18, 2010

Day 38

Good Morning Everyone! Today's mission is organization. My craft area is a mess and no thanks to my youngest daughter my soap molds are everywhere. I'm gonna go look for some sort of cabinet today that is "childproof", and hopefully be able to keep the place picked up. Maybe something like this...

I made some really cute black and pink heart soaps for the gift bag I'm working on, they turned out so nice I might put them on my shop. They are larger than my mini heart soaps. I just have to wait to post them for a bit because I used a different kind of dye for these and I want to make sure it doesn't get ruined if it bleeds. If you remember those black and white squares, they ended up bleeding so much that they kind of just look like purple squares now, so I had to take them off my shop.
Speaking of shop, my Etsy store has been doing great at averaging 21 visits a day, which is incredible. didn't get a single view yesterday, but I think it will just take some time. Well I'm off to go organize wish me luck!
